Ms. Stanley's ScheduleMs. Stanley's Wish ListMany of you asked if we needed anything for our classroom! What a wonderful group of parents we have this year! I will use this page to keep you updated on the items we need for our classroom. Your kindness is greatly appreciated and I look forward to working with each of you over the next 180 school days. Red items are needed urgently!
Book Orders!I will be sending Scholastic Book Order forms out about once a month. You can go online anytime and order books from any Scholastic Book Club! Please go to and enter the code: H6W6F. This will allow you to pay online and the order will submit on the date I send the rest of the orders. It also provides opportunities for free books for you and for our classroom!
Spelling City
As we have worked on in class, Spelling City is a great way to review your spelling and vocabulary words!
Become a Better Reader
Want to know how to make reading fun? Want to know how to get good at reading? What to know what questions you parents can ask you to help you get better at comprehension? Check this out!